Thursday, August 12, 2010

Salutations from India...Pt. 1

Namaste (let there be a salutation to you)

Here is my first India update written on January one of my recent trip to Hyderabad, India. I will be sending a few more out with regards to other events that took place on the trip! Thank you all for your prayers and support!!

Goal of January 27
1. Feed the multitude: 200 families in the village where pastor Nahum has his church
2. Visit the dump
3. Visit the little girl's home
4. Visit a leper colony (if time permits)

On paper, the above "To Do" list seems reasonable to achieve, BUT here is the plain and simple truth...T.I.I. THIS IS INDIA!! Of course we would love to have accomplished all of the above, but as westerners we have to take into account the ways of a non-western culture...

Let me list a few reasons why T.I.I.
1. 9:30a departure really means 10:00ish
2. Exchanging money is a few hour process (with 12 westerners and times of interrupted business for the worship of the tantra idol)
3. 200 does not mean 200!! Think of the loaves and fishes...Jesus fed 5000 men plus women and children!! children and we only purchased enough rice, dahl, and oil for 200 families!! Multiplication multiplication multiplication
4. The garbage dump is now partial garbage dump and then some areas have been "cleared" and now contain houses that are made of, mud, cow dung, plastics and tarps or what's amazing to literally find such beauty amidst the ashes...

Well day one may not have included everything on the list, but we did manage to feed about 1,000 people (families) (seriously like the 5,000 Jesus fed) for about $.00213/family (we originally purchased enough food for 200 families!!) it's pretty incredible to think that with a little faith, some hope, a little rice and of course Jesus Christ...the hungry always get fed!!

Because the feeding was more people than expected we only stayed in Pastor Nahum's village (he is the host pastor), but there were many people with needs that we were able to help. I played my guitar for the children and taught them phrases in English, Portuguese, and Makua;) Their favorite phrase and mine by far was the word "Shaba!" (which is actually a real Hebrew word!).

On the outskirts of Pastor Nahum's village is the garbage dump. Like the Bocarilla in Maputo, Mozambique you see people actually living in the midst of the piles and piles of rubbish. This is how they survive and where they draw their resources...they dig through the rubble to find recyclables and things to sell to make a few Indian Rupees. In the middle of the filth are beautiful people who are hungry for anything, even a blessing for their babies! The people of this dump village have been born into a caste system and are impoverished, and most will not venture out of that place...

Leaving the first day's outreach I began to notice a great truth in the appearance of India... In the middle of the darkest dirt you will find a stark contrast of bright colored sarees and scarves, panjami suits, and shirts. These colors that seemingly mask a hopeless impoverished existence mirror the spiritual darkness guised in the colorful shrines, temples, and idols worshipped in India. However, as a prayer and a declaration of hope we can proclaim what The Word says in Isaiah 60:1-2 "Arise, shine [oh India], for your Light has come, and The glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will be seen upon you..." May India begin to see the brightness of the Lord's rising as He lovingly removes the veils from their eyes and reveals His glory to the Indian bride!

Until my next update...


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