August Rush
I sing because You are good! And I dance because You are good! And I laugh because You are good and Your love endures forever!
Well I am laying in bed, hoping and longing for the sweet tender moments of sleep, yet deep inside there is a battle raging. Call it caffeine which I know it is not, indegestion, well I didn't eat much today...yet I am buzzing buzzing... There seemed to be a shift these past three days...Lord what does this mean? My heart is racing, or is that just my belly making wierd feelings like something's moving inside...Spirit coming more alive!! I was born to live in this time and in this place and though i've been reminded, sometimes Ive forgotten to look back on this race.
Maybe that's why my mind is racing, keeping the pace. Running to the rhythm of God's heart! Oh Lord in YOUR plan may I always take part. I think somehow though I've been pressing in I still lost my focus and my patience has worn thin!! I love you Jesus for on Your lips is the law of love...1 Corinthians 13 as written from Above...
You will have to wait for point two. What exactly is patient? It is the first descriptor of the word, the Man, that is Love... Patient...enduring, apparently patience is represented by a fruit...woot woot...a pear! Yummy! Sometimes waiting is hard especially when you're a child... The questions arise, "Why?" or "Now?" or "Can I ask again?" "Are we there yet?" "How long?"
Ahhh...as I impatiently wait for sleep to take over I am brought to momentary flashes of recent times with my 5 year-old niece, "Auntie Desi, can I pretty pretty please?" for the umpteenth time she's asked the same thing, oh how I wish I would realize that she's being used to grow patience in me!!
You see patience is really a pear because it takes a PAIR to grow it. One person asking the other responding with a time equated answer..."Are we there yet?" "no" Or traffic, or this or that...Patience is like waiting for the rabbit to come out of it's hat!
Sometimes the wait is the hardest part and yet in the WAIT we grow strength in our heart! Waiting can be coined in one way...qavah or twisting up, binding together...getting wrapped in... Not too bad to think about...waiting not having to do with time? But an action? "Those who WAIT on the Lord (qavah Jehovah) will renew their strength..."
Feeling a bit tired, rushed, overwhelmed, spent...when was the last time you went for a SPIN on the Merry-go-round of the abundant Joy filled life? Count me in again Jesus, apparently my strand of rope has become a tiny string because I wiggled my way out from you again...
I am laughing at myself as I think of the lessons I must learn. Lord is so simple and extremely profound, He even teaches me a lesson through a tiny little hound. This little pup whom Ive been entrusted to watch has been has been testing my patience, her ways are top notch. As I walked her this afternoon on her little red leash, I'm not sure who was leading her or me? She'd tug and she'd pull and I'd have to hold her back to keep rule, then she wouldn't sit still...oh her persistent tugging brought my grace from nothing to nil. I knew there was a lesson in it somewhere, I just didn't think it would come in me trying to wait for sleep...
In surrendering my Life to be ruled by the Lord, how much Im I pulling at the reigns? And when He says, "Heel! Or Sit" how many times do I wonder and pull us into a pit? Though He will never fall, I occasionally do, and discover scrapes and scratches with an occasional bruise. But what I've learned is far greater that He likes me even when I am like a pup pulling on a leash...
Back to qavah...twisting and binding my life into His causes strength to abound and it's not mine but His...patiently is a violent trevail...now Im falling asleep and I must finish this later...(continued 10 August 2010) Wait patiently for the Lord...
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