Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Feliz Natal and Goodnight Moz!! 28 December '09

Feliz Natal and Goodnight Moz!!
Bon Noite,
((this is the final mozi update:())

Well Christmas flew by in a hurry as it always does...this year I saw the faces of nearly 1,500 faces (assuming the lines were evenly split) girls who waited for hours to receive a Christmas dinner of chicken, rice, cabbage, juice and a lolli pop. Arco Iris fed over 3200 children, women, and men this Christmas (not included in the count were missionaries, visitors, and iris kids). There were 800 chickens that sacrificed their lives and each person received a quarter chicken...there were over 25 quarter chickens left after ALL the Iris kids had a second helping at dinner time!! Last night on base chicken was again served! You can do the math and check...chickens multiplied! It goes to show that with faith and perseverance a little goes a long way, and there is ALWAYS enough!!

I spent the week working on another painting assignment. We'll call it Casa de Creances...4 large rooms!! It was an intense project, but in 5 work days we finished!! There is still a bit of paint to be put onto the walls, but the mural part is finished, and I hired a Mozambican painter to paint the rest!!

I will attach pictures at a later date and you can eventually (once I am stateside and in computer range) see them on my blog which now contains all emails http://dunamisfire.blogspot.com.

Today I began my wind down and the beginning of my rest and preparation to leave. We got to swim with dolphins and scuba dive off the island called Londo. I saw a brilliantly blue starfish and floated there looking at it and I almost fell asleep...but it was sooo refreshing to just bee in the water and I am glad there are no more "assignments" left on this Pemba adventure.

If I can put into a brief summary of Pemba as I sit at a lovely hotel sipping coffee with two of my friends who just returned from their outreach in Tete...As it says in Haggai, The Lord did not bring me into the wilderness to abandon me but to woo me and speak tenderly to me. I learned about Love, fell deeper in Love, and realized the time spent here will forever alter my perspective on life. I have gone much deeper in the Lord and have seen that life can be lived much more simply. I will never forget how dry places in the natural were representative of dry places in me, and likewise with wells of sweet refreshing water...we are comprised of both dry and moist and it's a beautiful process to becoming a moldable vessel that is more and more like Jesus every day!

Thank you all for your prayers and support!! Ti amo muito!!

Until Pemba calls again,

Deus Abençoe!


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