Sunday, December 20, 2009

Para Benj Graduacaon! 7 December 2009

Para benj a graduacaon!!!
(Congratulations on your graduation!)

This week can be summed up by the word lilies. We just finished 8 weeks of school and ended with a graduation festa!! It was beautifully diverse and brilliant! Bible school students from many provinces in Mozambique and mission school students from all over the world gave the grand total of 20 representative countries!! Mel Tari spoke at the graduation (He is a minister who came out of the Indonesian Revival of the 1960s), and Rolland Baker finished up with a prayer for the entire school!! It was a very LARGE family party!!

Now let me get to the lilies (She is my niece and I was greatful her flower blossomed on the 8th week). In the mission school compound there are houses and lots of dirt, some plumeria trees, papaya trees, bougenvelias, rocks, some grass and weeds. Last Saturday it POURED beautiful rain, all day long. I saw the rain as very symbolic...Saturday is the first day of the week...and we were entering our 8th and final week of school...the transition into a NEW Beginning. Sunday morning I awoke at a very early hour 4:30am and I was prompted to walk around my house.

In the middle of my house and another I looked down on the ground to see a brilliant bunch of freshly bloomed white lilies. They were not there the day before (or at least no one saw them until they were unveiled in their beauty) or had only appeared to be a “weed.” SO when I saw them picking up the rays of the sun, I recognized that this school has been much like the growth of the Lilies! Each student coming from ALL over the world came as they were, looking like beautiful people, but over the course of time and training, and the raining of the Lord’s Spirit, as we graduated, you could actually see how much more radiant and dazzling each student had become. What was mistaken at first glance as a weed actually revealed a hidden beauty that fully matured and blossomed on the beginning of the 8th week!! Each of us is leaving the school, not as we came, but transformed for all time and because of this journey into maturation, we will take the flowers that have grown and share them to open up the eyes of others to see the beauty that came/comes from such a tenacious Love.

So what’s next?! Some have departed for their homes, and futures in whatever ministry the Lord is calling them to. And most of us are departing the shores of Pemba to head into the darkest parts of Mozambique for outreaches in the bush bush. I leave with a group of 20 others on a 10-day outreach in another province of Mozambique. We will be travelling 15+ hours in the back of a camion truck...keep us in your prayers!! That the LOVE of Christ would be revealed through us and that we would receive all He has for us so that OUR lives transform further and the world is forever impacted!! We are in the 9th week and we will see destinies birthed!!!

Ti amo Muito (I love you too much!)

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