I left my heart in Mozambique...I'm on a mission ( http://indiegogo.com/dreamdreams )to discover the dreams of my heart's captors!! Join me on this adventure!!
Dream Dreams from Desiree Metcalf on Vimeo.

I am leaving for Mozambique to begin an adventure that will become a journey to helping others accomplish their dreams. With the use of photography and interviews, I will return to the western shores to begin telling the stories of the children interviewed. My hope is that when the dreams of the kids are revealed we can begin finding ways to help those dreams come true!
This sounds simple, and it is, but it will require others to help. Funding this project is the first step, going is the second, and then dreaming and joining hands and resources here will be the final step and first step again in helping bring reality to the wishes in these children's hearts. For the next 6 days I am running a campaign and need to raise $4000 for travel expenses and costs for this project. Consider for a moment about partnering with our dreams...check out my campaign at http://indiegogo.com/dreamdreams and please join me on this adventure. There are fantastic incentives for the monies contributed.
Help me tell the stories of the future of our world...Children!!
Dream Dreams from Desiree Metcalf on Vimeo.
Help me tell the stories of the future of our world...Children!!